It is the objective of the PBS Uniform Policy to encourage simple living among our students by creating a uniform way of dressing up for school. This eliminates peer pressure related to fashion trends and use of expensive items. Parents are expected to uphold this policy and see that their child/ren is/are in compliance at all times. If a child does not meet the uniform requirements, they may not be admitted to class, and parents will be asked to bring the proper uniform.  



TK – 4 Navy blue, red, and white plaid jumper

          White peter pan blouse (tucked in at all times).         

          White or navy blue socks  ( No low cut ankle or no-show socks, knee-  highs  preferred).


  5-8  Navy blue, red, and white plaid skirt

 White Oxford polo (tucked in at all times, with logo)

 White or solid navy blue socks ( No low cut ankle or no-show socks, knee-  highs preferred) 


FORMAL UNIFORM DAYS:TK-4 girls should wear navy blue cross tie

                                        **  5-8 girls should wear striped long tie


Shoes: Shoes must be solid ALL- black or solid ALL-white shoes including the  

    outsole, for both boys and girls. Only shoes with shoelaces, Velcro or Mary                                 Janes for girls  are allowed. Tennis shoes are allowed provided they are                                      solid ALL black or ALL white. Socks must be worn at all times.


Sweatshirts/Jackets/Sweaters/Cardigans:  Only the Precious Blood sweatshirts may be worn


PE days:

The students may come to school already in their P.E. uniforms. The uniform for P.E. is a blue walking shorts  or sweatpants with logo and gray shirt with logo (GREY PE shirts are purchased in school office). Students must be in proper P.E. clothes or they may not participate in class. Non-participation will affect the grade for the class.  (Note:  On exceptionally hot days, students will be allowed to wear their PE uniform.) Sweatpants and sweatshirts are available for purchase from Michaels Uniforms.                       

PE shoes: tennis shoes should be only Solid ALL black or solid ALL WHITE  including outsoles; white or navy blue socks for girls:


Additional Dress Code Rules

Jewelry may be worn in moderation. Hoop or dangling earrings are not permitted for safety reasons. Make-up is forbidden. No nail polish at all times. Students will be asked to wash their faces and remove their nail polish in the office if found in violation. Hair should be neat and clean, and its natural color. (no dye, no highlights). False eyelashes and acrylic nails are not allowed; no piercing for boys will be allowed. Fingernails should be trimmed and clean. 



Free dress days are given to students as a special privilege. All students are expected to follow Catholic school appropriate clothing. The following list includes, but not limited to, the unacceptable free dress clothing; otherwise, parents are going to be called to bring regular uniform for the child to change into:  

No spaghetti strap or tank tops; No short shorts

No logos or pictures that show inappropriate and or suggestive pictures and language

No open -toed shoes, no sandals, no flip flops; socks must be worn at all times


BOYS:    Navy blue twill slacks or walking shorts

   Navy blue shirt with PBS logo

                  Solid white or solid black socks (No low cut ankle or no-show socks)

  Solid black or brown belt for grades 3-8 at all times


On formal uniform days: All boys should wear white Oxford or  with either navy blue tie or striped tie. Long pants should be worn on formal uniform days.



Shoes must be solid ALL- black or solid ALL-white shoes including the outsole. Only shoes with shoelaces or Velcro shoes  are allowed. Tennis shoes are allowed provided they are solid ALL black or ALL white. Socks must be worn at all times.


Sweatshirts/Jackets:  only the Precious Blood sweatshirts may be worn


PE days:

The students may come to school already in their P.E. uniforms. The uniform for P.E. is a blue walking short/sweatpants with logo and gray shirt with logo (PE shirts and shorts purchased in school office). Students must be in proper P.E. clothes or they may not participate in class. Non-participation will affect the grade for the class.  (Note:  On exceptionally hot days, students will be allowed to wear their PE uniform.) Sweatpants and sweatshirts are available for purchase from Michaels Uniforms.                       


PE shoes: Tennis shoes should only be solid ALL- black or solid ALL white including outsoles; Solid ALL white or Solid ALL black socks should be worn.  All trousers (including PE shorts) must be worn above the hip; no baggy or saggy pants.  Failure to comply with this regulation will result in dismissal for the day. Solid black or brown belts for boys in grades 3-8 must be worn at all times and shirts must be tucked in at all times. 


Additional Dress Code Rules

Jewelry may be worn in moderation. Hoop or dangling earrings are not permitted for safety reasons. Make-up is forbidden. No nail polish at all times. Students will be asked to wash their faces and remove their nail polish in the office if found in violation. Hair should be neat and clean, and its natural color. (no dye, no highlights). For boys, it should not drop below the top of the ear or the top of your shirt collar. 

No piercing for boys will be allowed. Fingernails should be trimmed and clean.  



Free dress days are given to students as a special privilege. All students are expected to follow Catholic school appropriate clothing. The following list includes, but not limited to, the unacceptable free dress clothing; otherwise, parents are going to be called to bring regular uniform for the child to change into:  


No spaghetti strap or tank tops

No logos or pictures that show inappropriate and or suggestive pictures and language

No short shorts

No open -toed shoes, no sandals, no flip flops; socks must be worn at all times